Jaco Halfon
Writer, screenwriter, web publisher and artist

Born and raised in Tunisia, Jaco Halfon studied at University of Paris and, with an engineering diploma in computer science, went on to research computer technology and experimental software.
Having traveled extensively around the world, he settled in the USA and became a television producer, first in New York and then in Los Angeles.
To nurture his roots, he has created and animated extensive Sephardic community websites such as HARISSA.COM (Culture and History of the Jews from Tunisia), DAFINA.NET (Jews from Morocco), ZLABIA.COM (Jews from Algeria) which attract a large international audience.
Following a strong commitment to shed some light on the spiritual through Art, he has exhibited twice at BOA-SOA Gallery on Melrose in Los Angeles: The tree of Life and Light on symbols.
And as a writer, he has published two spiritual novels: FACING EDEN and BE THE BALL as well as a screenplay on Shabbatai Tsevi, stories which encompass his different experiences and promotes the philosophy of raising one’s levels of consciousness through love and awareness.